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      Veterinary PCD Franchise Company in India

      Alicanto Vetcare is one of the best veterinary pcd francise company in India, offers good quality veterinary products at reasonable prices. We are the fastest-growing veterinary pharma company in India and work to ensure your animals lead healthy and happy lives. This is so as the customers become knowledgeable in matters related to veterinary hence an increase in demand for veterinary products. We ensure that inputs (raw material) used in production of our products are of high quality to ensure your stock is well fed. All products are produced after careful investigation and analysis provided by our professional vets team.

      Veterinary Medicine Franchise Company in India

      As for the specific products, we have vaccines, antibiotics, feed supplements, injections, and so on We also have veterinary boluses and mineral mixtures for your animals. As the leading veterinary Medicine Franchise company in India we do not take any chance in the raw materials that we use in any of our products. The veterinarians that we hire are very strict in ensuring that each health standard and regulation required is met right from the production and packing of the food products. As we stand we feel that our animals should be fed all the nutrients they require in the right proportions to enable them to lead healthy lives.

      The following are some of the reasons why should consider using our products in your veterinary practice. Take a look at them to see the different that set us above other veterinary medicine company.

      • Range, we have in our range over 200+ products all accredited by professional veterinary pharmacists. Our products include injections, feed supplements, boluses etc for the proper development of your cattles.
      • Time – it’s priceless, and at Alicanto Vetcare, it is respected. Whether you have a big order or a small one, you can expect it to be delivered to you in a timely manner. In case you decide to buy veterinary products from us, you sit back and have no headache at all.
      • Quality, All the products that are manufactured by our team are genuine and original and we dont use inferior quality ingredients in the preparation of any of the products. All our products are affordable to ensure that you can provide for your cattle’s needs without breaking the bank.
      • Certified, We have WHO, GMP, ISO, HALAL, and H. A. C. C. certifications to guarantee that original materials are used to make our products. They pay their attention to the industry and develop products that will improve your animals in all aspects.

      The Top Veterinary Pharmaceutical Company

      Alicanto Vetcare has invested in the best plants, equipment, machinery, and tools for the production and manufacturing of various products. We have divided each and every unit in the right manner so that if any operation takes place, it happens smoothly. The research and development section has the responsibility of coming up with innovations to get better products. We don’t wish to cause suffering to our speechless beings hence we have products that can offer quick relief to these living creatures. All our products are affordable, we are therefore the topt veterinary pharmaceutical company.

      To us the welfare of our pets and animals is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, as an owner, it is your obligation to ensure that your cattle and pets are healthy and in good conditions. When cows are pregnant and especially during the calving period, they require extra feed to help feed the new ones and heal up. These needs are met through feed supplements which are administered to the animals. These supplements are provided in cases where your animals does not have some nutrients that are useful for its growth and development.

      Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products

      The portfolio of a veterinary pharmaceutical company also has an influence in determining its place in the field.

      Veterinary Calcium Supplements

      Feeding veterinary calcium supplements such as veterinary calcium gel or veterinary calcium powder to your animals is very important in making sure that your animals maintains good health. They do so since they aid in development and healthy maintenance of bones and teeth. These calcium supplements also aid in preventing cramps, just like in humans as well. Furthermore, calcium which is a nutrient is significant in facilitating the correct functioning of the heart.

      Veterinary Feed Supplements

      It should also be mentioned that animals especially the young ones such as chicks and calves need more nutrients compared to the older animals. The appropriate veterinary feed supplements enhance ossification and muscle deposition in animals. Besides this, liquid feed supplements aid in the prevention of diseases as well as other infections in animals. Moderation of feed supplements means early prevention of all illnesses in animals.

      Veterinary Injections

      In some cases, animals cannot swallow certain drug and therefore they are injected directly into their bloodstream for treatment of various diseases. Veterinary injections are mainly of two types: veterinary calcium injection and veterinary antibiotic injection. The former is administered when there is slight calcium inadequacy while the latter safeguards the body from pathogens that may infiltrate the body system.

      Cattle Feed

      As farmers it is our responsibility to ensure that our cattle receives proper nutrition on a regular basis. Using the right cattle feed supplements, then this can be accomplished. It is not sufficient to provide the necessary nutrients which is why it is also required to offer the right veterinary mineral mixture. Again due to changes in the climatic conditions of the region the fresh fodder is not accessible and then appears the animal mineral supplement.

      Veterinary Bolus

      If the animals needs targeted treatment then the best solution is veterinary bolus. It is the simplest method of administering the medications to your animals, especially when you are having so many of them to attend to. Some boluses are prepared in such a way that they deliver doses at predetermined time for a certain duration of time. Boluses are often administered to animals for preventive purposes to check the production of parasites.

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